Short Rara Lake Trek – 8 Days

Short Rara Lake Trek – 8 Days

  • Transportation
    Land transportation
  • Group Size
  • Destination
  • Altitude
    2,990 meters (9,810 feet)
  • Duration
    8 Days
  • Activities
    Trekking in Nepal
  • Meals
    Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner
  • Difficulty
  • Accomodation
    Hotel in Kathmandu, Teahouse lodge during the trek


The Short Rara Lake Trek is an exciting journey through Nepal’s remote wilderness, taking you to Rara Lake, the country’s largest lake. Surrounded by lush forests and snowy peaks, the lake’s clear waters reflect the beautiful scenery, creating a breathtaking view. Wildlife fans will love the diverse species in Rara National Park, including exotic birds, red pandas, and possibly the elusive snow leopard.

Along the trek, you’ll also get to experience the unique culture of local communities, such as the Thakuri and other Tibetan-origin groups, offering a fascinating look into their traditional lifestyles.

This trek not only showcases stunning natural beauty but also provides a peaceful escape from busy city life. In this blog, we’ll cover the main highlights, costs, and the best seasons for this amazing trek.

Overview of Rara Lake Trek

Rara Lake, also known as Mahendra Lake, is located in the Mugu District of Nepal. With a slightly oval shape, the lake sits entirely within Rara National Park, about 300 kilometers (190 miles) northwest of Nepal’s capital, Kathmandu. Rara Lake is 5.1 kilometers (3.2 miles) at its longest and 2.7 kilometers (1.7 miles) at its widest.

It covers a surface area of around 100 hectares (250 acres) and reaches a maximum depth of 167 meters (548 feet). The water volume of the lake is approximately 0.98 cubic kilometers (0.24 cubic miles), and its surface elevation is 2,990 meters (9,810 feet) above sea level.

Interestingly, Rara Lake has never frozen, and there are no islands within it. The lake flows into the Karnali River via the Nijar River (Nijar Khola). The ecosystem around Rara Lake has been classified as one that offers limited resources to support abundant life.

Rara Lake

Rara Lake has been a part of Rara National Park since 1976 B.S. In addition, it was declared a Ramsar site, covering 1,583 hectares (6.11 square miles) including the surrounding wetlands. Presently, the Nepal Army protects this area alongside the national park. The water quality of Rara Lake is notable for its high pH, conductivity, and total hardness. Interestingly, the lake’s color changes up to five times a day depending on the climate.

Rara Lake is primarily surrounded by dense forests, with notable landmarks like Chuchemara Danda at 4,087 meters and Murma at 3,630 meters. You can also enjoy a stunning view of Saipal Mountain from the lake’s edge.

During the summer season, migratory birds from Siberia can be spotted in the area. The region is rich in flora and fauna, with rare species like the snow trout inhabiting the lake.

Agriculture is the main occupation for people in this region. The area is also renowned for its medicinal herbs, which locals collect and sell as a livelihood. In the southeast corner of the lake, you’ll find the Thakur Baba Temple. Local legend has it that the deity Thakur shot an arrow into the lake to prevent flooding, showcasing the cultural significance of the area.

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Why Choose the Rara Lake Trek?

The Short Rara Lake Trek is an incredible adventure through one of Nepal’s most beautiful and untouched areas. Here’s why this trek is perfect for adventurers and nature lovers alike:

Scenic beauty of Rara Lake

Rara Lake, located in Rara National Park in Northwestern Nepal, is the highlight of this trek. The lake’s turquoise waters mirror the surrounding hills and mountains, creating a picture-perfect scene. As you hike, you’ll pass charming villages, lush forests, and rolling hills with panoramic Himalayan views. The peaceful atmosphere of the lake and its picturesque surroundings make every step worth it. Picture alpine meadows and forested hills opening up to reveal the expansive, serene waters of Rara Lake.

Rich biodiversity in the region

Rara National Park is a haven for diverse plant and animal life. You’ll walk through forests filled with rhododendron, juniper, spruce, and pine. The park is home to endangered species like the red panda and musk deer. Bird watchers will be thrilled, too, with over 214 species of birds, including the Himalayan monal, calling this area home. The trek offers not just natural beauty but also encounters with rare flora and fauna, making it both educational and exciting.

Cultural Experiences and Local Hospitality

The trek also offers a chance to dive into local culture. You’ll pass through traditional Nepali villages and meet friendly locals, including the Thakuri and Raji communities, known for their warm hospitality. Staying in local teahouses or homestays, you can taste delicious local dishes, hear fascinating stories, and learn about the region’s rich cultural heritage. These interactions provide a deeper connection to the place and its people, enriching your travel experience.

Ideal for All Fitness Levels

The Short Rara Lake Trek is suitable for trekkers of all fitness levels, from families and beginners to seasoned hikers. The trail is moderately challenging with well-defined paths and gradual ascents and descents. While good health and basic fitness are important, you don’t need to be an expert mountaineer. With a reasonable pace and plenty of rest stops, you’ll comfortably reach Rara Lake’s enchanting shores.

Eco-Friendly Trekking Practices

This trek also focuses on eco-friendly practices to protect the beautiful environment. Trekkers are encouraged to minimize their impact by following “Leave No Trace” principles, such as using reusable water bottles, disposing of waste properly, and respecting wildlife habitats. Local trekking agencies often support sustainable travel by promoting conservation efforts and helping local communities. By trekking responsibly, you help preserve this pristine region for future generations.

In summary, the Short Rara Lake Trek offers breathtaking scenery, rich biodiversity, cultural immersion, accessibility for all fitness levels, and a focus on eco-friendly practices. It’s a trek that provides both adventure and a deep connection to nature and local culture.

Unmatched Solitude and Serenity

One of the unique appeals of the Short Rara Lake Trek is the unmatched solitude and serenity it offers. Unlike the more crowded trekking routes in Nepal, the path to Rara Lake remains relatively untouched and less frequented by tourists. This means you can truly connect with nature and enjoy peaceful moments, with the sound of birds and the rustling leaves as your companions. 

Rara Lake Trek Difficulty & Preparation

The Rara Lake Trek in Nepal offers a unique mix of physical challenge and stunning natural beauty. Located in a remote part of northwest Nepal, Rara Lake is at an altitude of 2,990 meters (9,810 feet). While it’s less crowded than famous trails like Everest Base Camp or Annapurna Circuit, it promises a rewarding adventure through diverse landscapes. This blog post breaks down the terrain and routes of the Rara Lake Trek to help you understand the difficulty and prepare for your journey.

The terrain on the Rara Lake Trek is as diverse as it is spectacular. Expect everything from dense forests to expansive meadows, rugged mountain paths to tranquil lakeshore trails. Traversing through the Rara National Park, trekkers encounter an ecosystem that showcases pine, juniper, rhododendron, and spruce forests. Higher altitudes offer panoramic views of snow-capped mountains, while the lower sections immerse trekkers in lush green valleys.

The Rara Lake Trek offers incredibly varied and stunning landscapes. You’ll walk through dense forests, open meadows, rugged paths, and peaceful lakeside trails. In Rara National Park, trekkers see a mix of pine, juniper, rhododendron, and spruce trees. Higher up, you’ll enjoy breathtaking views of snow-capped mountains, and lower down, you’ll find lush green valleys.

The Rara Lake Trek can be challenging due to its elevation. Starting at about 2,000 meters (6,560 feet) and reaching nearly 3,000 meters (9,810 feet), the steady climb may be tough for less experienced hikers. The steep paths demand good physical fitness and sturdy footwear.

Experienced trekkers often find the remote terrain makes the trek more challenging. Unlike the popular trekking paths in Nepal, the Rara Lake route is less maintained and marked. This means you need to be more self-reliant, good at reading maps, and might even need help from local guides.

Preparation Tips

Given these details, how should one prepare for the Rara Lake Trek? Firstly, cardiovascular fitness is crucial. Regular aerobic exercise such as running, cycling, or swimming can build the necessary stamina. Strength training, particularly focusing on the legs and core, will also aid in handling the demanding terrain.

Next, consider the altitude. Spending a few days in Jumla before starting the trek can help prevent altitude sickness. Bring medication, stay hydrated, and climb slowly to stay safe.

Lastly, make sure you have the right gear. You’ll need a sturdy trekking backpack, reliable hiking boots with ankle support, layered clothing for different weather, and navigation tools like a map, compass, or GPS.

In summary, the Rara Lake Trek is a journey of adventure through diverse and often challenging terrain. Although it demands preparation and resilience, the diversity of the landscape and the serenity of Rara Lake awaiting at the journey’s conclusion make every step worthwhile.

Rara Lake Trek Cost Details

When planning a trek to Rara Lake, it’s important to consider the financial aspect to ensure a smooth trip. The cost for the Short Rara Lake Trek can vary widely based on several factors such as the season, the choice of guide and porter, accommodation, and other personal preferences. In this section, we break down the various expenses and factors influencing the overall costs of the trek.

Estimated expenses for the trek

When planning a trek to Rara Lake, it’s essential to budget properly. Costs for the Short Rara Lake Trek can range from $400 to $600, depending on factors like the season, choice of guide, accommodation, and personal preferences. Let’s break down the typical expenses:

  • Permits: As the trek traverses through a protected area, trekkers need to obtain a Rara National Park permit. The cost for foreigners is about $30.
  • Guide and Porter: Hiring a guide and possibly a porter is highly recommended due to the remote nature of the trek. A guide generally costs around $25 per day, while a porter (who can carry up to 15 kg of luggage) will cost about $20 per day.
  • Accommodation and Food: The trek offers basic lodge facilities known as teahouses. Staying in these teahouses and eating meals there might cost around $25 to $35 per day.
  • Transportation: The cost of transportation from Kathmandu to the trailhead and back is variable. This usually includes a flight or a combination of flight and road travel, costing approximately $150 to $200.

Consider setting aside a small daily budget for snacks, charging electronics, and tips for guides and porters.

Factors influencing the overall cost

Several factors can influence the cost of your journey to Rara Lake. Understanding these will help you manage and perhaps minimize your expenses where possible.

  • Season: The trekking season plays a significant role in cost variability. Peak seasons (spring and autumn) tend a see higher prices due to increased demand. Off-season treks might offer lower costs but come with challenges like harsh weather and less accessibility.
  • Choice of Service Provider: Costs differ a lot between service providers depending on what they include, like the type of accommodations, meals, and guide expertise. Comparing different packages can help you find a budget-friendly option.
  • Travel Style: Your personal preferences in terms of comfort and convenience can affect costs. Opting for more luxurious lodges or private transportation options will inevitably increase expenses. On the other hand, a simpler trek with shared facilities and minimal personal costs will be cheaper.
  • Group Size: Trekking in a group can reduce costs as many expenses such as guides, porters, and transportation are shared. Additionally, larger groups might get better rates on accommodations and food.

By carefully considering these factors and properly planning your finances, you can enjoy the remarkable beauty and adventure of the Short Rara Lake Trek without undue financial strain. 

Best Time to Visit Short Rara Lake Trek

The Short Rara Lake Trek presents trekkers with a unique and breathtaking Himalayan experience, but choosing the right time to visit can significantly enhance your journey. The trek can be done year-round, yet there are specific months when the landscape is most welcoming, the weather is favorable, and the trails are less crowded. Let’s delve into identifying these ideal travel times to ensure your adventure around Rara Lake is as perfect as the pristine blue waters of the lake itself.

For the best experience on the Short Rara Lake Trek, plan your trip in spring (March to May) or autumn (September to November). During these months, you’ll enjoy clear skies and mild temperatures, perfect for trekking and taking in the stunning views.

Ideal Months to visit

Spring (March to May)

Spring brings fresh life to the area with blooming rhododendrons and local plants brightening the trails. Nature puts on a stunning show with wildflowers and lush greenery everywhere. The air is sweet with the scent of blossoms, making your journey even more magical.

The weather is pleasantly warm during the day, perfect for trekking. The sun’s warmth makes the trail enjoyable and energizing. At night, it cools down to a mild chill, great for sitting by the campfire or getting cozy in your sleeping bag. This mix of warm days and cool nights makes each trek an delightful adventure.

Autumn (September to November)

This is one of the most popular times to visit Nepal. The monsoon rains have cleared, leaving behind crisp, clear skies and stunning views of the Himalayas. The trails are dry, making trekking more enjoyable, and the temperatures are moderate, perfect for both sightseeing and outdoor adventures. Plus, this season features significant festivals like Dashain and Tihar, offering a vibrant cultural experience.

The visibility during this time is at its peak, providing trekkers with breathtaking views of the majestic mountains that surround the stunning Rara Lake. The combination of crisp, fresh air and vivid blue skies makes each trek a memorable experience.

These months offer the best weather and the greatest chances to see wildlife and experience local culture. The trails are drier, and there’s less rain, so your trek is less likely to be interrupted. Clear skies provide stunning views of the landscapes, perfect for beautiful sunrises and sunsets. Wildflowers are blooming, making the scenery colorful and attracting birds and butterflies.

Seasons To Avoid

Summer (June to August)

These months coincide with the monsoon season in Nepal. The region experiences heavy rainfall, which can lead to slippery trails and leech infestations. However, the rain also means fewer tourists, and the landscape is lush and verdant.

These months coincide with the monsoon season in Nepal, a time when the region undergoes a dramatic transformation. During monsoon season in Nepal, heavy rain transforms the region. Mountains shed water, filling rivers and streams. Hiking and trekking become trickier with slippery, muddy trails, and leech infestations can occur.

Despite the challenges, the monsoon season has some perks. The heavy rain leads to fewer tourists, offering a perfect chance for a peaceful and solitary nature experience without the usual crowds.

Moreover, the rain transforms the landscape into a stunning sea of green. Hills and valleys burst with vibrant plants, and the fresh air feels invigorating. It’s a special time to see Nepal’s raw beauty, as raindrops nourish the soil and the countryside flourishes in nature’s remarkable display.

Winter (December to February)

Winter transforms the area into a snowy wonderland. As temperatures drop, it gets especially cold at sunset, leading to frosty shadows. Hiking in these conditions is adventurous, with snow-covered paths adding both challenge and beauty. While navigating the trails can be tough, those prepared for cold-weather hiking find the picturesque, snowy landscape enchanting and unforgettable. The crisp air, the soft crunch of snow, and the quiet after a fresh snowfall are truly rewarding.

Proper gear and preparation are essential under these extreme conditions. For instance, waterproof boots and layers of thermal clothing are indispensable during both the rainy and cold seasons.

Peak vs Off-Peak Seasons

Choosing between peak and off-peak seasons depends largely on your preferences for crowd levels, weather conditions, and personal comfort. Each season offers a distinct experience:

  • Peak Season: As previously mentioned, autumn (September to November) and spring (March to May) constitute the peak seasons for trekking around Rara Lake. During these months, the weather conditions are ideal with minimal rainfall and moderate temperature. The views are unobstructed and the trails, although busier, resonate with a vibrant trekking ambiance. Accommodations and other facilities might be more crowded during this time, so early booking is recommended.


  • Off-Peak Season: The monsoon and winter months are considered off-peak for the Rara Lake Trek. Trekking in these months can be a bit more challenging due its weather conditions. However, these seasons appeal to those seeking solitude and wanting to avoid the crowds. The monsoon season showcases a greener scenery, whereas winter displays a quiet, snow-laden panorama. Additionally, prices for guides and porters are often lower, and accommodations more readily available.

Choosing when to go depends on what you want from your trek. The quieter months offer a more personal and reflective experience, while the busier months are great for socializing and enjoying vibrant trail life. Each season can impact your Short Rara Lake Trek experience.

Plan for the best months, prepare for different weather, and pick a season that matches your goals, and you’re in for an unforgettable adventure in one of Nepal’s most beautiful and peaceful places.

Rara Lake Trek Transportation Options

Traveling to Rara Lake is an adventure with stunning views, whether you go by air or road. Here are your main transportation options:

Rara Lake by Flight

Booking a flight to Rara Lake skips the long, tough trek, giving you more time to enjoy the peaceful scenery. The trip usually begins in Kathmandu with a flight to Nepalgunj, then a shorter flight to Talcha Airport. From there, it’s just a couple of hours’ trek to Rara Lake.

Option 1: Kathmandu to Talcha Airport

Although there isn’t a direct flight from Kathmandu to Mugu district where Rara Lake is, travelers can fly to Nepalgunj first, then take a connecting flight to Talcha Airport in Mugu. From Talcha Airport, a delightful three-hour trek on foot leads to Rara Lake, offering plenty of chances to enjoy the stunning scenery.

Option 2: Kathmandu to Jumla Airport

Another route involves flying from Kathmandu to Jumla Airport. Jumla is closer to Rara Lake compared to the lengthy road journey from Kathmandu. From Jumla, one can take a bus or jeep to reach Gamgadh in Mugu. This road trip will take approximately five hours. After reaching Gamgadh, it’s about another five-hour trek to the lake. The trek from Jumla airport to Rara Lake provides the wonderful experience of walking through remote countryside near the Tibetan border, with mind-blowing vistas at every turn.

By Bus or Jeep

Traveling by road to Rara Lake from Kathmandu is a multi-day journey filled with adventure, taking about four days via the Karnali Highway. From Nepalgunj, you have two main route options to reach Rara Lake.

Route 1: Salt Route of Humla

This route follows the ancient salt trading paths of Humla, offering a glimpse into the rich history and culture of local trade.

Route 2: Dolpo Region Trails

The Dolpo region has many trails through one of Nepal’s most isolated and undeveloped areas. Trekkers can enjoy remote landscapes, experience unique Dolpo culture, and take in the area’s incredible natural beauty.

In summary, There’s no direct flight from Kathmandu to Mugu, but you can take a connecting flight through Nepalgunj to Talcha or Jumla airports, then enjoy a short trek. This offers both convenience and adventure.

Another option is to take a bus or jeep for your road trip. Though it can be tougher, it’s just as remarkable, giving you more time to enjoy the ever-changing landscapes and local culture. Both travel choices offer unique and stunning views of Nepal’s countryside and the peaceful beauty of Rara Lake.

Getting to Mugu from Kathmandu involves some adventure. You can take a connecting flight through Nepalgunj to Talcha or Jumla airports, then enjoy a short trek. Another option is a bus or jeep ride, offering a longer, scenic journey full of cultural experiences. Both routes highlight Nepal’s stunning remote landscapes and the peaceful beauty of Rara Lake.

Required Permits & Regulations for Rara Lake

The Rara Lake Trek offers a chance to explore one of Nepal’s beautiful, less-traveled paths. To keep this region protected and ensure a smooth adventure, trekkers need to follow certain permits and rules. Knowing these requirements is key for an easy trip to the stunning Rara Lake.

Required Permits

To visit Rara Lake, you’ll need a few important permits. Without them, you might face delays, fines, or be denied entry into the national park. Specifically, trekkers need:

  1. Rara National Park Permit: As Rara Lake is situated within the Rara National Park, obtaining the park entry permit is non-negotiable. This permit aims to fund conservation efforts, helping preserve the rich biodiversity and unique landscapes of the park. The permit is available for purchase in Kathmandu or in Nepalgunj before heading towards the trail.
  2. Trekkers’ Information Management System (TIMS) Card: Like most trekking routes in Nepal, the Rara Lake Trek also requires trekkers to get a TIMS card. There are two types: a green card for individual trekkers and a blue card for those joining a group organized by a trekking agency. This card is essential for enhancing the safety and security of trekkers in Nepal, as it helps authorities monitor the flow of tourists and manage search and rescue operations if needed.
  3. Special Restricted Area Permit: Depending on the chosen route, parts of the trek might fall under restricted areas. If your path takes you through these specially prohibited zones, you’ll need an additional permit. This can usually be arranged through a registered trekking agency based in Nepal.

Rules and Regulations

Obeying the rules and regulations is crucial for ensuring the protection of natural and cultural heritage, as well as for your safety. Here are some cardinal rules to remember:

  1. Stay on Designated Trails: Straying off the marked trails can disturb wildlife habitats and expose fragile plant life to harm. Following the designated routes minimizes human impact on the ecosystem.
  2. No Littering: Carry reusable water bottles and avoid single-use plastics. Bringing all waste back to trekking lodges or out of the park is a must. The principle of ‘leave no trace’ should guide all your actions.
  3. Respect Local Culture: The region around Rara Lake is home to various indigenous communities. Show respect for local customs, traditions, and dress codes. Sticking to respectful behavior enhances interactions with locals and enriches your cultural experience.
  4. Wildlife Interaction: Observing wildlife from a distance is key. Do not feed or attempt to touch animals, and take extra care not to disturb their natural behaviors. Remember that this is their home first and foremost.
  5. Campfire Regulations: Open fires can be hazardous and are often restricted. Always adhere to guidelines regarding campfires and use designated areas for cooking whenever available.
  6. Permitted Areas and Restricted Zones: Stick to the zones you are permitted to enter. Certain areas may be off-limits during specific times or permanently, to protect vulnerable wildlife or sensitive natural resources.
  7. Guide Requirement: For some of the more remote sections of the trek, it might be mandatory to hire a local guide. Not only does this support local employment and economy, but qualified guides also provide valuable information about the area and ensure your safety.

Preparation and Compliance

To avoid last-minute hiccups, arrange all necessary permits well in advance through certified agencies. Keep all documents organized and bring multiple copies. Compliance with these requirements not only enables a smoother trekking experience but also contributes positively to the ongoing conservation efforts in Rara National Park.

Trek wisely and honor the natural and cultural beauty of the Rara Lake region. By following these guidelines, both adventurers and the environment will thrive, making the journey as fulfilling as the stunning scenery.

Check out our Rara lake vlog

Book Your Rara Lake Trek with Us

Ready to explore the serene beauty of Rara Lake? Book your trek with us! We offer special discounts, experienced guides, and reliable porter services to ensure you have the best possible experience. Our transportation options are also top-notch, making your journey smooth from start to finish. Plus, we can help tailor the itinerary to fit your needs and preferences, all at an affordable price.

If you have any questions or need further information, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us. We are located in Thamel, Kathmandu, Nepal, and you can reach us through various means.

Give us a call at (+977) 9841936940 to speak directly with one of our friendly staff members. You can also send us an email at [email protected], and we’ll respond promptly. We look forward to hearing from you and assisting you with your trekking and adventure needs in Nepal!


DAY 01

Drive from Kathmandu to Kohalpur (496 km / 308 miles)

Your day will begin with a delicious breakfast, preparing you for the thrilling overland journey ahead. As you leave the city and valley, you’ll drive downhill through farmland and be treated to incredible views of Langtang, Ganesh, Manaslu Himal, and Annapurna in the distance.

The route follows the Trisuli River to Mugling Bazaar, then turns south around the lowlands of Chitwan.

Enjoy the changing landscapes from high hills to the flat terrain of the Terai region. The drive passes through Naryanghat town, moving west to Nawalparasi district, and continues on a smooth highway to Kohalpur city.

Spend the night in a comfortable hotel in Kohalpur, where you can unwind and relax after a day of exploring.

  • Altitude
DAY 02

Drive to Mangma Town (Approx. 250 km / 156 miles)

Today’s journey from Kohalpur is shorter and takes you to scenic hill regions. You’ll start by heading northwest, passing towns and farmlands, until the road becomes a winding uphill climb.

As the ride goes higher into cooler hills and passes remote farming villages with terraced landscapes, it becomes more exciting. After a fun day of travel, you’ll reach the small town of Mangma for an overnight stay. Mangma is the headquarters of the Kalikot district, one of the most remote areas in western Nepal. You’ll stay in a simple lodge, giving you a chance to see local activities and cultures.

  • Destination
    Mangma Town
  • Altitude
DAY 03

Off-road drive to Talcha, Mugu district at 2,735 m (Approx. 150 km / 94 miles)

Day 3 involves an adventurous off-road drive to Talcha, situated at an elevation of 2,735 meters (8,974 feet) in the Mugu district and approximately 150 kilometers (94 miles) from the starting point. This destination marks the main entrance to Rara Lake and features a small airport of Talcha.

The day starts with a drive north on rough, winding dirt roads. You’ll pass through small farms and villages with beautiful views of green hills. The journey includes both descents and more frequent uphill climbs, bringing you to higher, cooler areas.

By late afternoon, you will arrive in Talcha, home to a small airstrip with flights from Nepalgunj. The day concludes with a check-in at a local guesthouse or lodge for an overnight stay. Talcha serves as the gateway to Rara National Park and toward the picturesque Rara Lake.

  • Destination
  • Altitude
DAY 04

Hike to Rara Lake (2,990 m)

Today’s hike is a nice change from driving, letting us stretch our legs. After breakfast and packing the essentials, we head out to Rara Lake.

The trail into Rara National Park takes you through picturesque farmlands and enchanting forested paths. As you gradually ascend, you’ll be rewarded with the stunning sight of Rara Lake’s shimmering shore. Once you’ve checked into a cozy lodge or guesthouse, the afternoon is yours to soak in the magnificent scenery. You can enjoy a leisurely stroll along the shoreline, taking in the breathtaking views of snow-capped peaks and the surrounding rolling green hills and woodlands.

  • Destination
    Rara Lake
  • Altitude
DAY 05

Return to Talcha from Rara Lake

After enjoying a pleasant overnight stay at Lake Rara, highlighted by the most exciting moments of the adventure, hike back along the scenic trail to Talcha for your final night. This route covers the beautiful region of Mugu and the Lake Rara area.

  • Destination
  • Altitude
DAY 06

Return downhill to Mangma

Today you’ll take a five-hour drive downhill, dropping in altitude each hour. Return to Mangma on some bumpy dirt roads. Finally, you’ll reach the mid-hill town of Mangma, where you’ll spend your last night in the hills of Western Nepal.

  • Destination
    Mangma Town
  • Altitude
DAY 07

Drive back from Mangma to Kohalpur

After your return from the long journey, you’ll drive back effortlessly along the smooth, wide highway. The journey leads you across the endless plains of western Terai, where the rising temperatures are impossible to ignore. Eventually, the road guides you to the crossroads, teeming with life, where Kohalpur city lies in wait. This spot is an ideal location to pause and rejuvenate, offering a serene place to rest and spend the night.

  • Destination
  • Altitude
DAY 08

Return back to Kathmandu

Today you’ll start your morning drive northwest on a scenic road passing through charming village farms to reach the vibrant city of Butwal. On the final day, head back to Kathmandu, ascending to the quaint roadside village of Chisapani. Traveling on a well-maintained road through dense forests, you’ll enter Nawalparasi district and cross the grand Narayani River into Chitwan at Naryanghat town.

Following the Trisuli River upstream, you’ll arrive at Mugling Bazaar, leaving behind the warm lowland farms. As the road ascends, you’ll reach Nagdhunga, the gateway to Kathmandu Valley and the city. Continue on the busy, winding roads, enjoying the vibrant atmosphere of Kathmandu. Check into your hotel, settle into your rooms, and celebrate with a final dinner with your fellow travelers and crew.

  • Destination


What is the Short Rara Lake Trek?

The Short Rara Lake Trek is an 8-day adventure to Nepal’s largest lake, Rara Lake, nestled in Rara National Park’s beautiful forests and mountains. It offers a blend of natural beauty and cultural immersion, creating a unique experience for trekkers.

How difficult is the trek?

What are the permit requirements?

What is the best season to go on this trek?

What type of accommodation can I expect?

What should I pack for the trek?

How much does the trek cost?

Are there any cultural attractions?

Can I do the trek alone?

Is there wildlife in the area?

Is the Short Rara Lake Trek Suitable for Beginners?

What are some rules to follow during the trek?

How to book the Rara Lake Trek?

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